Monday, April 18, 2011

Abengoa secures biomass supply for Kansas cellulosic ethanol project

Biofuels Digest Thomas Saidak April 15, 2011

In Kansas, Abengoa is reporting that they are on schedule to secure 100 percent of the biomass raw material for its Hugoton, Kansas, cellulosic ethanol plant. The company has signed contracts with several local biomass producers, and is currently in talks with others, to obtain the required annual supply of 315,000 tons of cellulosic biomass by the end of 2011.

Upon start-up, the facility, scheduled to be commissioned in 2013, will convert about 315,000 dry tons per year of crop residue and cellulosic energy crops to 25 million gallons of ethanol, while also generating 25 megawatts (MW) of electrical power, enough to power the ethanol conversion process.

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