On the Move in Biofuels: 25×25 appoints new steering committee members
Biofuels Digest
Jim Lane
February 10, 2011
In Washington, 25×25 appointed a slew of new members to its steering committee. New members include Len Bull, past chairman of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture; Brian Dubie, former Lt. Governor of Vermont; Retired Vice Admiral Denny McGinn, a former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Requirements and Programs at the Pentagon and commander of the U.S. Third Fleet; Bobby Moser, vice president and Dean of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, at The Ohio State University; Bill Northey, Secretary of the Iowa Department of Agriculture; Adam Putnam, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and a former member of the House of Representatives from Florida’s 12th Congressional District; Lola Spradley, former Colorado House Speaker who co-chaired the Colorado Renewable Energy Amendment 37 initiative, the first state renewable portfolio standard in the country adopted by voters; and former U.S. Rep. Charlie Stenholm, who represented the 32-county, 17th Congressional District of Texas on the House Agriculture Committee for 26 years.
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