Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vega's China Venture to Use Special Torrefaction Technology in Ten Manufacturing Plants
December 17, 2009: 08:00 AM ET

VEGA PROMOTIONAL SYSTEMS, INC. (PINKSHEETS: VGPR) recently announced the Company has entered into a Joint Venture Agreement to build multiple manufacturing plants throughout China to produce alternative energy using torrefaction technology.

The Company's Joint Venture with Global Capital Market, LTD (GCM), located in Shenzhen City, China is moving forward with its plan to build up to 10 manufacturing plants throughout China. The manufacturing plants will use special torrefaction technology to produce briquettes from organic waste products that will then be sold through Agreements with European power generating companies.

Torrefaction is a partial carbonization process that takes place at temperatures between 475 - 575 degrees in a low temperature environment which makes the physical and energetic properties of the biomass much more comparable to traditional coal. The biomass is then compressed into briquettes to be sold to the end user. Torrefaction has the added benefit of reducing or eliminating undesirable volatiles, such as nitrous oxides and sulfur dioxides and is considered carbon neutral to the environment.

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