Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Friday, June 20, 2008

E.U. Rethinking Biofuels Usage

Energy Tribune
Posted on Jun. 12, 2008

Public backlash over environmental concerns and rising food costs will likely force the European Commission to delay, or perhaps even reverse, its target of using biofuels to supply 10 percent of its transport needs by 2020.

The target, set last year and ratified earlier this year, is critical to the E.U.’s goals of cutting its emissions. Biofuels were also seen as a way to address energy supply concerns. But the E.U. has been forced to change its tune due to soaring food prices and increasing reports that biofuels may be more harmful than fossil fuels, in terms of greenhouse gases.

Oil accounts for 98 percent of the E.U.’s transport needs, and more than two-thirds of its oil supplies are imported. The transport sector is also responsible for about 22 percent of the block’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels were to be a key element of Europe’s plan to meet its binding target of cutting its G.H.G. emissions by 20 percent by 2020. It has also set a goal of getting 20 percent of its energy with renewable sources.

Read the full story

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