Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Friday, May 16, 2008

Myke's Biofuels Blog: Real Science -- Actual Water Use by Ethanol Plants is Comparable to Gasoline Industry
Date Posted: May. 12, 2008
By Myke Feinman, BioFuels Journal Editor

The Wall Street Journal editorialized May 7, gleefully gloating about how everyone is jumping on their bandwagon that ethanol is some horrible monster sucking up precious water resources and increasing the price of food.

We have already discussed how the actual price of food is due to factors like weather, energy (read gasoline and diesel prices) and demand overseas (See "Domestic Ethanol Producers Penalized for Foreigners Who Tear Down Rainforests … What's Wrong With This Picture?" Which was posted on March 4.

I guess what really upsets me about the opinion piece is it quotes horribly incorrect "science."

Read the full story

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