Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lawmakers considering biodiesel mandate

State proposal prompts differing reactions from soybean farmers, oil companies. (Springfield, Missouri)
Chad Livengood • News-Leader • April 30, 2008

Jefferson City -- As debate about whether corn-based ethanol is causing food prices to rise ensues, there's now a push to mandate all diesel sold in Missouri contain a renewable energy additive.

The House Transportation Committee heard testimony Tuesday from the backers and opponents of a bill mandating that biodiesel be used for all trucks, heavy equipment, generators and some cars.

Senate Bill 769 would require the fuel to contain 5 percent biofuels, which typically comes from soybean oil. Animal fat and used vegetable oils from restaurants also can be recycled to produce the additive for biodiesel.

Read the full story

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