Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

American Coalition For Ethanol Reminds Consumers Ethanol is Not Responsible for High Food Costs, But Does Help Gas Prices
Date Posted: May. 22, 2008

Sioux Falls, SD—As the Grocery Manufacturers Association and other anti-ethanol groups launch a multi-million-dollar PR campaign against ethanol today, the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) reminds the public of two key facts: ethanol is keeping oil and gas prices from going even higher and ethanol is not the culprit behind increases in the food prices.

"As oil prices soar to new record highs nearing $135 per barrel, a who's who of groups with various political axes to grind against ethanol are announcing a dishonest PR attack campaign designed to demonize ethanol," said Brian Jennings, executive vice president of ACE.

"Their claims that ethanol is the primary cause of rising food prices are disingenuous and their so-called remedies would lead to even higher food and fuel prices for Americans."

Read the full story

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