Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Renewable Fuels Association Admonishes TX Gov. Perry's RFS Waiver Request That Opposes His Own Commissioned Study
Date Posted: Apr. 25, 2008

Washington, DC—The Renewable Fuels Association on April 25 criticized Texas Governor Rick Perry's decision to seek a waiver of the Renewable Fuels Standard.

Reducing the use of ethanol, as sought by Governor Perry, will not appreciably reduce grain prices for livestock producers and food processors in Texas.

But eliminating 4.5 billion gallons of fuel from the marketplace -- as the 50% waiver of the Renewable Fuels Standard sought by Governor Perry would do -- will increase gasoline and diesel prices even more.

Read the full story

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